Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lost and Found

It's been 10 days since I last posted a blog here so I apologize. *sigh* Things have been pretty crazy around here. Crazy=busy.

Tonight, I will have a shont rant about cyber bullying. From nasty anonymous comments to a whole site intended to destroy your reputation.

I have experienced cyber bullying. 2 years ago, I was just an innocent freshmen trying to make a mark in cyber space through my blogs when all of a sudden, some upperclassmen found it probaby amusing to leave me some nasty comments. Oh, and it wasn't just one person. There were a bunch of them! 0.0

I can't tell you how awkward and scary it was for me to in the halls of our school. I was paranoid.

Is she/he one of them?
What if I do something they won't like??

I got my most number of comments in that one blog post! ;) 50 comments. :D Nothing has ever beaten that. =)

If you think it's fun to bully someone through blog posts, comments, or vlogs, it's not. = It will not make you a better person.

Plus, with the technology these days, I could track you down, hack your PC and put a bunch of viruses in it. How you like me now??

This also includes hate blog posts. I admit, I had that phase. Now, I'm a changed blogger. Keep your anger to yourself, okay? Or at least, make the post private. :)

You might regret writing that post in the future. Believe me, I have. :D


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