Thursday, May 8, 2008

Frustrated Artist No More

For the past 5 days, I've been busy trying to create "my perfect template". I spent hours in front of the PC tweaking javascript codes. I tried putting as much protection codes to it. I used these protection codes: Disable right-click, disable highlight, disable copy-paste and disable browser cache.

First attempt:
I fell in love with this template the first time I saw it. =) But I encountered 2 problems: The background would take too long to load and it's not compatible with Mozilla Firefox. I tried converting the background picture into a jpg file because it was a gif. Unfortunately though, the designer locked the picture. *sigh* Although at the time I was editing the codes, I used Internet Explorer as my browser, I was still frustrated because I knew a lot of people used MF as their browsers. If you tried viewing it with MF, all the text and images except for the background were disarranged.

Since I have yet to learn how to make a code compatible with both browsers, I gave up this template after 3 tiring days of thinking, editing and typing.

Second Attempt:
I was browsing through some templates and the background of this template caught my eye, though it's really simple. Maybe it's the simplicity of it that attracted my eyes. :D Everything was going very smoothly with this template. The codes were finished in just 2 days and all I needed was to test it in both browsers. I was quite scared that it might not load in MF but it did! I had no doubts that it would not load in IE. I was just so sure. And then, I saw the text in my first blog entry. They were completely disarranged! I WAS SO FRUSTRATED I WANTED TO THROW THE MONITOR OF OUR PC! [I could really do that if I wanted to because our monitor's thin. >_<]

Imagine this: I worked at least 6 hours everyday in front of the PC trying to create "my perfect template" but after 5 days, I ended up with 2 separate long codes that I did not want to use. I feel like such a perfectionist, right now. =))

Actually, come to think of it, if you're just an IE user or a MF user, you could use one of my codes. ;)

In the end, I settled for one of Blogspot's layouts. As you can see, nothing in my layout is complicated. Every thing's simple, even the color scheme! But expect a new header in the near future! ;)

You might be wondering how I manage to be calm and cool after all the bad things that have happened to me lately. Simple: The TV cured me! I guess you can say my happiness is a bit low. :D

Hey! At least, I'm not some suicidal girl who dwells on every bad thing that happens in her life, right?? If I ever turned out to be like that, most probably, I'd never be introduced to blogging! 0_o

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